Nepali Congress freed

KATHMANDU: Finally, the Nepali Congress is broken. 40 years as treasurer of the Nepali Congress, Nepali Congress leader Ram Babu prasamiko samsthapaka led the Nepali Congress nationalist "has been formed.

Congress leader and former Minister for old former mayor of Kathmandu Valley piela Singh, Nepali Congress central member of the adj. Son of Light Koirala VP and founding coordinator of nevi Association, senior advocate, who spent 13 years in prison for 047 of the constitution drafting committee of senior leaders Devendra Nepali 072 of the Constitution and 047 of the Constitution of Nepal and the welfare of not only the best constitution for Nepal, concluding that Nepali kamgesale the disgruntled leaders of the Maoist-work out appeal 'NC nationalist party, said.
अन्ततः नेपाली कांग्रेस फुटेको छ । ४० वर्षसम्म नेपाली काँग्रेसका कोषाध्यक्ष रहेका काँग्रेसका सँस्थापक नेता रामबाबु प्रसाँई तथा वि. वि पि पुत्र प्रकाश कोईरालाको नेतृत्वमा ‘नेपाली काँग्रेस राष्ट्रवादी’ गठन भएको छ ।

Nepal's 2072 constitution, saying the country trying to make the party slave state constitution health post system of election of state parties to the nearest health post electoral system and a foreign power through the election and accused tatvaharule play to play the new nationalist leaders have accused the Nepali Congress.

"Invalid as the point of attempting to impose 072 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal 2047 fully abolished by the Constitution are involved in rehabilitation by the sovereign people and the state to be active all the party-violent movement is the duty of all states hoapilama.
